nursery was found in 2002. The basic breeds - the German boxer
and berner sennenhund.
spite of the fact that the nursery is still young, dogs of
our cultivation compete at exhibitions of a various level.
So, dogs of breed Berner sennenhund in 2003 have borrowed
prize-winning places in all classes at the international exhibition
"Elite-center": Wiener - яюя, CW, Barbara - CACIB, Gold Forester
Brian - CACIB, CW, BM, BOB, De юnrit Apriori - the Best puppy.
At the international exhibition " the White nights-03 ": Barbara
- it is excellent, Gold Forester Brian - CACIB, CW, BM, De
Anrit Apriori - the Best puppy.
For autumn of 2003 are planned are viscous: Gold Forester
Brian Barbara, Gold Forester Brian Ordo-Berni Nana
German boxers are successfully exposed also: юssol - BBF,
юyrin - BJ,prize-winner open class,Bartolomeo - excellent,
аianca - 2УBB, 2УBP, 5УBJ, prize-winner BIS, the Young champion
of Russia, Gera - BB, BP, Grandee - BPM, Dorian - BBM, Dayana
- exellent.